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Kali Linux中怎么配置防火墙

在Kali Linux中,防火墙的配置可以通过使用iptables或者ufw工具来完成,这两种工具都可以实现对网络流量的控制和管理,但是它们的配置方式和语法有所不同,本文将详细介绍如何在Kali Linux中使用iptables和ufw工具来配置防火墙。

1. iptables

iptables是Linux系统中的一个命令行工具,用于配置内核级别的防火墙规则,它可以实现对网络流量的过滤、转发和路由等功能,在Kali Linux中,iptables默认已经安装并启用。

1.1 查看当前iptables规则


sudo iptables L n v 


1.2 添加规则


sudo iptables [t table] [A chain] rulespecification 

t table表示指定规则所在的表,A chain表示将规则添加到指定的链中,rulespecification表示具体的规则。


sudo iptables A INPUT p icmp s j DROP 

1.3 删除规则


sudo iptables [t table] [D chain] rulespecification 


sudo iptables D INPUT p icmp s j DROP 

1.4 保存和恢复规则


sudo sh c "iptablessave > /etc/iptables/rules.v4" 


sudo sh c "iptablesrestore < /etc/iptables/rules.v4" 

2. UFW(Uncomplicated Firewall)

UFW是一个简化版的防火墙工具,用于配置IPv4和IPv6防火墙规则,在Kali Linux中,UFW默认已经安装并启用,UFW的配置和使用相对简单,适合初学者。

2.1 查看当前UFW状态


sudo ufw status verbose 


2.2 启用UFW防火墙


sudo ufw enable 

2.3 禁用UFW防火墙


sudo ufw disable 

2.4 添加规则


sudo ufw allow [options] | deny [options] [port] [protocol] [destination] [log] | limit [limit] [log] | reject [log] [reason] | route [destination] [gw] [dev] | delete [chain] [rule] | insert [chain] [rule] | default [action] | reset [hard|soft|mixed] | status [verbose] | enable | disable | list [options] | nft add rule filter {filter} {table} {chain} {priority} {in_interface} {out_interface} {protocol} {destination} {source} {type} {comment} | nft delete rule filter {filter} {table} {chain} {priority} {in_interface} {out_interface} {protocol} {destination} {source} {type} {comment} | nft replace rule filter {filter} {table} {chain} {priority} {in_interface} {out_interface} {protocol} {destination} {source} {type} {comment} | nft list chain | nft list table | nft list filter | nft list rule | nft flush ruleset filter {filter} | nft flush ruleset table {table} | nft flush ruleset chain {chain} | nft flush ruleset all | nft commit | nft rollback | nft version | nft help [command] | nft list commands | nft list targets | nft list tables | nft list chains | nft list filters | nft list rules | nft list ruleset filters | nft list ruleset tables | nft list ruleset chains | nft list ruleset all | nft flush ruleset filter {filter} | nft flush ruleset table {table} | nft flush ruleset chain {chain} | nft flush ruleset all | nft commit | nft rollback | nft version | nft help [command] | nft list commands | nft list targets | nft list tables | nft list chains | nft list filters | nft list rules | nft list ruleset filters | nft list ruleset tables | nft list ruleset chains | nft list ruleset all | nft flush ruleset filter {filter} | nft flush ruleset table {table} | nft flush ruleset chain {chain} | nft flush ruleset all | commit | rollback | version | help [command] | list commands | list targets | list tables | list chains | list filters | list rules | list ruleset filters | list ruleset tables | list ruleset chains | list ruleset all | flush ruleset filter {filter} | flush ruleset table {table} | flush ruleset chain {chain} | flush ruleset all | commit | rollback | version | help [command] | list commands | list targets | list tables | list chains | list filters | list rules | list ruleset filters | list ruleset tables | list ruleset chains | list ruleset all" options... actions... dport port[,port...] proto protocol[,protocol...] destination destination[,destination...] source source[,source...] lease addnatrule toports port[,port...] fragment jump target|masquerade|REJECT|ACCEPT|rejectwithtcpreset|rejectwithicmpportunreachable|rejectwithicmphostunreachable|rejectwithicmpnetmaskdeletenatrule natsource address[,address...] natdestination address[,address...] natprotocol tcp|udp|any|icmp|gre|esp|ahnathelper name[,name...] dontnat skiptopolicy stop reject withicmpport=[port[/protocol]]:port[/protocol] ... reject withtcpport=[port[/protocol]]:port[/protocol] ... reject withudpport=[port[/protocol]]:port[/protocol] ... reject withicmp6port=[port[/protocol]]:port[/protocol] ... reject withip6tos=value ... reject withip6ttl=value ... reject withstate=state ... reject withlimit limit ... reject withlog log ... reject withcounter counter ... reject withmark mark ... reject withtag tag ... reject withowner owner ... reject with reason reason ... reject with comment comment ... reject with invert invert ... reject with pad pad ... options... actions... dport port[,port...] proto protocol[,protocol...] destination destination[,destination...] source source[,source...] lease addnatrule toports port[,port...] fragment jump target|masquerade|REJECT|ACCEPT|rejectwithtcpreset|rejectwithicmpportunreachable|rejectwithicmphostunreachable|rejectwithicmpnetmaskdeletenatrule natsource address[,address...] natdestination address[,address...] natprotocol tcp