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MySQL和JDK(Java Development Kit)没有直接关系。MySQL是一个关系型数据库管理系统,而JDK是用于开发Java应用程序的软件开发工具包。


版本号 发布日期 主要特性
8.0.26 20210318 InnoDB改进,性能优化,JSON支持
5.7.35 20200918 性能优化,安全更新
5.7.34 20200610 JSON支持,性能优化
5.7.33 20200331 性能优化,安全更新
5.7.32 20191121 性能优化,安全更新
5.7.31 20190823 性能优化,安全更新
5.7.30 20190614 性能优化,安全更新
5.7.29 20190418 性能优化,安全更新
5.7.28 20190228 性能优化,安全更新


版本号 发布日期 主要特性
openjdk14 20200317 JEP 356: NestBased Access Control, JEP 361: Switching Expressions, JEP 364: Text Blocks, JEP 370: Text Blocks (Second Preview)
openjdk13 20190917 JEP 358: New IPC Mechanisms, JEP 361: Switching Expressions, JEP 364: Text Blocks, JEP 370: Text Blocks (Second Preview)
openjdk12 20190319 JEP 286: Microbenchmark Mode, JEP 308: Foreign Function & Memory API (Incubator), JEP 314: Indify String Concatenation, JEP 317: ZGC: A Scalable Low Latency Garbage Collector, JEP 323: Shenandoah: A LowPauseTime Garbage Collector, JEP 325: Prompt Compilation for Java Clients, JEP 341: One AArch64 Port, JEP 351: Remove the Nashorn JavaScript Engine, JEP 355: Migrate from Mercurial to Git, JEP 358: New IPC Mechanisms, JEP 361: Switching Expressions, JEP 364: Text Blocks, JEP 369: Foreign Function & Memory API (Second Incubator)

| openjdk11 | 20180925 | JEP 286: Microbenchmark Mode, JEP 308: Foreign Function & Memory API (Incubator), JEP 314: Indify String Concatenation, JEP 317: ZGC: A Scalable Low Latency Garbage Collector, JEP 318: Reducing the Incubator and Deprecation Policies, JEP 323: Shenandoah: A LowPauseTime Garbage Collector, JEP 325: Prompt Compilation for Java Clients, JEP 341: One AArch64 Port, JEP 351: Remove the Nashorn JavaScript Engine, JEP 355: Migrate from Mercurial to Git, JEP 358: New IPC Mechanisms, JEP 361: Switching Expressions, JEP 364: Text Blocks, JEP