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1. 使用systemctl命令重启网络服务

在CentOS 7及更高版本中,可以使用systemctl命令来管理服务,包括重启网络服务,以下是具体的步骤:



systemctl status network 


systemctl restart network 


2. 使用service命令重启网络服务

在CentOS 6及更低版本中,可以使用service命令来管理服务,包括重启网络服务,以下是具体的步骤:




service network status 


service network restart 


3. 使用ifdown和ifup命令重启网络服务




ip link show 


sudo ifdown <interface> 



sudo ifdown eth0 


sudo ifup <interface> 


sudo ifup eth0 


4. 使用nmcli命令重启网络服务

在CentOS 7及更高版本中,还可以使用nmcli命令来管理网络连接,包括重启网络服务,以下是具体的步骤:



nmcli con show active status 



nmcli con down <connection_name> && nmcli con up <connection_name> 


nmcli con down eth0 && nmcli con up eth0 


5. 使用reboot命令重启整个系统




reboot f r now # or simply reboot now for older versions of CentOS.  																																	                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        												# The f option forces a reboot, even if there are unsaved changes in running processes. The r option tells the system to reboot after all processes have been shut down. The now option tells the system to reboot immediately.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
                                     f, force Do not ask for confirmation before rebooting. (Requires root) # The f option forces a reboot, even if there are unsaved changes in running processes. The r option tells the system to reboot after all processes have been shut down. The now option tells the system to reboot immediately.                                                               
                                     r, reboot Reboot the system after all processes have been shut down. # The r option tells the system to reboot after all processes have been shut down. The now option tells the system to reboot immediately.                                                               
                                     nowall Do not send a wall message before exiting. # This option is useful when you do not want to display a wall message before the system is rebooted.                                                               
                                     noaskpassword Do not ask for the root password before rebooting. # This option is useful when you are logged in as root and do not want to be asked for the root password before the system is rebooted.                                                               
                                     timeoffset Set the time offset from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). # This option is useful when you want to set a specific time offset for your system.                                                               
                                     help Display this help and exit. # This option displays a help message and exits.                                                               
                                     version Display version information and exit. # This option displays version information and exits.                                                               # Note: The above options can be combined with each other by using multiple times. For example, you can use "reboot f r now" to force a reboot immediately after all processes have been shut down.                                                               # Example: To force a reboot immediately, you can use the following command:                                                                reboot f r now # or simply reboot now for older versions of CentOS.                                                               # Example: To reboot after all processes have been shut down, you can use the following command:                                                                reboot r now # or simply reboot now for older versions of CentOS.                                                               # Example: To reboot immediately without asking for confirmation, you can use the following command:                                                                reboot f now # or simply reboot now for older versions of CentOS.                                                               # Example: To reboot immediately without asking for confirmation and without sending a wall message, you can use the following command:                                                                reboot f nowall noaskpassword now # or simply reboot now for older versions of CentOS.                                                               # Example: To set a specific time offset for your system before rebooting, you can use the following command:                                                                reboot timeoffset=+8 hours now # or simply reboot now for older versions of CentOS.                                                               # Example: To display version information and exit, you can use the following command:                                                                reboot version # or simply reboot now for older versions of CentOS.                                                               # Note: The above commands may vary depending on your system configuration and version of CentOS. If you encounter any problems, please consult your system administrator or refer to the official documentation of your system.br>br