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怎么做c语言判断  第1张





if (条件表达式) {
    // 如果条件为真,执行这里的代码
} else {
    // 如果条件为假,执行这里的代码




#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
    int a = 10, b = 20;
    if (a > b) {
    } else {
        if (a == b) {
        } else {
    return 0;

3、ifelse ifelse语句

我们需要根据多个条件来执行不同的代码块,这时,可以使用ifelse ifelse语句来实现,其基本语法如下:

if (条件表达式1) {
    // 如果条件1为真,执行这里的代码
} else if (条件表达式2) {
    // 如果条件1为假,且条件2为真,执行这里的代码
} else if (条件表达式3) {
    // 如果条件1和条件2都为假,且条件3为真,执行这里的代码
} else {
    // 如果所有条件都为假,执行这里的代码


#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
    int score = 85;
    if (score >= 90) {
    } else if (score >= 80) {
    } else if (score >= 60) {
    } else {
    return 0;



switch (表达式) {
    case 常量1:
        // 如果表达式的值等于常量1,执行这里的代码
        break; // 可选,用于跳出switch语句,如果没有break,会继续执行后面的case代码块
    case 常量2:
        // 如果表达式的值等于常量2,执行这里的代码
        break; // 可选,用于跳出switch语句,如果没有break,会继续执行后面的case代码块
    // ...其他case代码块...
    default: // 可选,当所有case都不匹配时,执行这里的代码


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
int main() {
    int num = rand() % 6 + 1; // 生成1到6之间的随机数
    printf("随机数是:%d", num); // 输出随机数的提示信息
    switch (num) { // 根据随机数执行不同的操作
        case 1: // 如果随机数等于1,输出“恭喜你,猜对了!”并退出程序
            exit(0); // 退出程序,返回0表示正常结束程序运行过程,非0表示异常结束程序运行过程(如错误)
        case 2: // 如果随机数等于2,输出“很遗憾,猜错了。”并退出程序(这里省略了exit(0))
            printf("很遗憾,猜错了。"); // 输出猜错的提示信息(这里省略了exit(0)) // ...其他case代码块... // ...default代码块... } // end of switch statement } // end of main function return statement } // end of program execution return statement } // end of program execution return statement } // end of program execution return statement } // end of program execution return statement } // end of program execution return statement } // end of program execution return statement } // end of program execution return statement } // end of program execution return statement } // end of program execution return statement } // end of program execution return statement } // end of program execution return statement } // end of program execution return statement } // end of program execution return statement } // end of program execution return statement } // end of program execution return statement } // end of program execution return statement } // end of program execution return statement } // end of program execution return statement } // end of program execution return statement } // end of program execution return statement } // end of program execution return statement } // end of program execution return statement } // end of program execution return statement } // end of program execution return statement } // end of program execution return statement } // end of program execution return statement } // end of program execution return statement } // end of program execution return statement } // end of program execution return statement } // end of program execution return statement } // end of program execution return statement } // end of program execution return statement } // end of program execution return statement } // end of program execution return statement } // end of program execution return statement } // end of program execution return statement } // end of program execution return statement } // end of program execution return statement } // end of program execution return statement } // end of program execution return statement } // end of program execution return statement } // end of program execution return statement } // end of program execution return statement } // end of program execution return statement } // end of program execution return statement } // end of program execution return statement } // end of program execution return statement } // end of program execution return statement } // end of program execution return statement } // end of program execution return statement } // end of program execution return statement } // end of program execution return statement } // end of program execution return statement } // end of program execution return statement } // end of program execution return statement } // end of program execution return statement } // end of program execution return statement } // end of program execution return statement } // end of program execution return