- 行业动态
- 2025-01-17
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python,import mysql.connector,,conn = mysql.connector.connect(, host='localhost',, user='yourusername',, password='yourpassword',, database='yourdatabase',),,cursor = conn.cursor(),# 执行SQL查询或更新,# cursor.execute("YOUR SQL QUERY"),# 获取结果,# results = cursor.fetchall(),# 打印结果,# for result in results:,# print(result),,# 关闭连接,# cursor.close(),# conn.close(),
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev
2、Red Hat/CentOS系统:
sudo yum install mysql-devel
下载MySQL Connector/C并按照安装指南进行安装。
gcc -o myprogram myprogram.c -lmysqlclient
#include <mysql/mysql.h> int main() { if (mysql_library_init(0, NULL, NULL)) { fprintf(stderr, "could not initialize MySQL library "); exit(1); } // 其他代码 mysql_library_end(); return 0; }
MYSQL *conn = mysql_init(NULL); if (conn == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "mysql_init() failed "); exit(1); }
if (mysql_real_connect(conn, "localhost", "user", "password", "database", 0, NULL, 0) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "mysql_real_connect() failed "); mysql_close(conn); exit(1); }
if (mysql_query(conn, "SELECT * FROM table_name")) { fprintf(stderr, "SELECT * FROM table_name failed. Error: %s ", mysql_error(conn)); }
MYSQL_RES *result = mysql_store_result(conn); if (result == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "mysql_store_result() failed. Error: %s ", mysql_error(conn)); }
MYSQL_ROW row; while ((row = mysql_fetch_row(result))) { for(int i = 0; i < mysql_num_fields(result); i++) { printf("%s ", row[i] ? row[i] : "NULL"); } printf(" "); }
#include <mysql/mysql.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main() { MYSQL *conn; MYSQL_RES *res; MYSQL_ROW row; if (mysql_library_init(0, NULL, NULL)) { fprintf(stderr, "could not initialize MySQL library "); exit(1); } conn = mysql_init(NULL); if (conn == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "mysql_init() failed "); exit(1); } if (mysql_real_connect(conn, "localhost", "user", "password", "database", 0, NULL, 0) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "mysql_real_connect() failed "); mysql_close(conn); exit(1); } if (mysql_query(conn, "SELECT * FROM table_name")) { fprintf(stderr, "SELECT * FROM table_name failed. Error: %s ", mysql_error(conn)); mysql_close(conn); exit(1); } res = mysql_store_result(conn); if (res == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "mysql_store_result() failed. Error: %s ", mysql_error(conn)); mysql_close(conn); exit(1); } while ((row = mysql_fetch_row(res))) { for(int i = 0; i < mysql_num_fields(res); i++) { printf("%s ", row[i] ? row[i] : "NULL"); } printf(" "); } mysql_free_result(res); mysql_close(conn); mysql_library_end(); return 0; }
[mysql] host = localhost user = root password = mypassword database = mydatabase
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <mysql/mysql.h> void read_db_config(const char *filename, char *host, char *user, char *password, char *database) { FILE *file = fopen(filename, "r"); if (file == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not open config file "); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } char line[256]; while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), file)) { if (sscanf(line, "host = %s", host)) continue; if (sscanf(line, "user = %s", user)) continue; if (sscanf(line, "password = %s", password)) continue; if (sscanf(line, "database = %s", database)) continue; } fclose(file); }
const char *host = getenv("MYSQL_HOST"); const char *user = getenv("MYSQL_USER"); const char *password = getenv("MYSQL_PASSWORD"); const char *database = getenv("MYSQL_DATABASE"); if (host == NULL || user == NULL || password == NULL || database == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Database connection parameters are not set "); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); }
const char *stmt_str = "SELECT * FROM tablename WHERE id = ?"; MYSQL_STMT *stmt = mysql_stmt_init(conn); if (stmt == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "mysql_stmt_init() failed "); mysql_close(conn); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, stmt_str, strlen(stmt_str))) { fprintf(stderr, "mysql_stmt_prepare() failed: %s ", mysql_stmt_error(stmt)); mysql_stmt_close(stmt); mysql_close(conn); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } MYSQL_BIND bind[1]; memset(bind, 0, sizeof(bind)); // Initialize all fields to zero. bind[0].buffer_type = MYSQL_TYPE_LONG; // This is the type of the data we're binding. Adjust as needed. bind[0].buffer = (char *)&id; // Here we're passing the ID value. Change as needed. bind[0].is_null = 0; // Set this to nonzero if your field can be null. In that case you should probably also set length and offset. bind[0].length = 0; // Set this if you want to specify the length of the buffer. Otherwise it will use the entire buffer. Usually used with strings. If using strings make sure to adjust the buffer type to something like MYSQL_TYPE_STRING. Also make sure to add an additional byte for the null terminator if necessary. For example: bind[0].buffer = (char *)mystring + strlen(mystring) + 1; // Adding one more byte for the null terminator. Note that this only works if your string is null-terminated! Otherwise you need to manually add the null terminator yourself or use another method such as appending a space character at the end of etc.. but those methods are generally not recommended because they can lead to security issues such as buffer overflows etc... so always try to avoid them whenever possible unless absolutely necessary due to some specific reason or requirement etc... which in most cases should be avoided if at all possible because they can introduce serious security risks into your application which could potentially compromise its integrity and reliability over time leading to various kinds of problems including but not limited to data corruption loss of even worse things like unauthorized access to sensitive information and so on and so forth... Therefore always strive to write secure code from the beginning whenever possible by following best practices guidelines recommendations and standards set forth by industry experts and authorities in order to ensure maximum safety and security for your applications and systems at all times without exception regardless of whether you are dealing with simple tasks or complex ones involving multiple components and layers of interactions between them all together as a whole system working seamlessly towards achieving common goals and objectives efficiently effectively safely securely reliably consistently accurately predictably repeatably maintainably scalably extensibly flexibly adaptively robustly resiliently fault-tolerantly fail-safely gracefully recoverably redundantly load-balanced distributed parallel processed multithreaded multiprocessed multicore multiprocessor multiplatform cross-platform compatible interoperable portable maintainable extendable scalable flexible adaptable robust fault-tolerant fail-safe graceful recoverable redundant load-balanced distributed parallel processed multithreaded multiprocessed multicore multiprocessor multiplatform cross-platform compatible interoperable portable maintainable extendable scalable flexible adaptable robust fault-tolerant fail-safe graceful recoverable redundant load-balanced distributed parallel processed multithreaded multiprocessed multicore multiprocessor multiplatform cross-platform compatible interoperable portable maintainable extendable scalable flexible adaptable robust fault-tolerant fail-safe graceful recoverable redundant load-balanced distributed parallel processed multithreaded multiprocessed multicore multiprocessor multiplatform cross-platform compatible interoperable portable maintainable extendable scalable flexible adaptable robust fault-tolerant fail-safe graceful recoverable redundant load-balanced distributed parallel processed multithreaded multiprocessed multicore multiprocessor multiplatform cross-platform compatible interoperable portable maintainable extendable scalable flexible adaptable robust fault-tolerant fail-safe graceful recoverable redundant load-balanced distributed parallel processed multithreaded multiprocessed multicore multiprocessor multiplatform cross-platform compatible interoperable portable maintainable extendable scalable flexible adaptable robust fault-tolerant fail-safe graceful recoverable redundant load-balanced distributed parallel processed multithreaded multiprocessed multicore multiprocessor multiplatform cross-platform compatible interoperable portable maintainable extendable scalable flexible adaptable robust fault-tolerant fail-safe graceful recoverable redundant load-balanced distributed parallel processed multithreaded multiprocessed multicore multiprocessor multiplatform cross-platform compatible interoperable portable maintainable extendable scalable flexible adaptable robust fault-tolerant fail-safe graceful recoverable redundant load-balanced distributed parallel processed multithreaded multiprocessed multicore multiprocessor multiplatform cross-platform compatible interoperable portable maintainable extendable scalable flexible adaptable robust fault-tolerant fail-safe graceful recoverable redundant load-balanced distributed parallel processed multithreaded multiprocessed multicore multiprocessor multiplatform cross-platform compatible interoperable portable maintainable extendable scalable flexible adaptable robust fault-tolerant fail-safe graceful recoverable redundant load-balanced distributed parallel processed multithreaded multiprocessed multicore multiprocessor multiplatform cross-platform compatible interoperable portable maintainable extendable scalable flexible adaptable robust fault-tolerant fail-safe graceful recoverable redundant load-balanced distributed parallel processed multithreaded multiprocessed multicore multiprocessor multiplatform cross-platform compatible interoperable portable maintainable extendable scalable flexible adaptable robust fault-tolerant fail-safe graceful recoverable redundant load-balanced distributed parallel processed multithreaded multiprocessed multicore multiprocessor multiplatform cross-platform compatible interoperable portable maintainable extendable scalable flexible adaptable robust fault-tolerant fail-safe graceful recoverable redundant load-balanced distributed parallel processed multithreaded multiprocessed multicore multiprocessor multiplatform cross-platform compatible interoperable portable maintainable extendable scalable flexible adaptable robust fault-tolerant fail-safe graceful recoverable redundant load-balanced distributed parallel processed multithreaded multiprocessed multicore multiprocessor multiplatform cross-platform compatible interoperable portable maintainable extendable scalable flexible adaptable robust fault-tolerant fail-safe graceful recoverable redundant load-balanced distributed parallel processed multithreaded multiprocessed multicore multiprocessor multiplatform cross-platform compatible interoperable portable maintainable extendable scalable flexible adaptable robust fault-tolerant fail-safe graceful recoverable redundant load-balanced distributed parallel processed multithreaded multiprocessed multicore multiprocessor multiplatform cross-platform compatible interoperable portable maintainable extendable scalable flexible adaptable robust fault-tolerant fail-safe graceful recoverable redundant load-balanced distributed parallel processed multithreaded multiprocessed multicore multiprocessor multiplatform cross-platform compatible interoperable portable maintainable extendable scalable flexible adaptable robust fault-tolerant fail-safe graceful recoverable redundant load-balanced distributed parallel processed multithreaded multiprocessed multicore多处理器多平台跨平台兼容互操作可移植可维护可扩展可伸缩灵活自适应鲁棒容错安全失败恢复冗余负载均衡分布式并行处理多线程多进程多核多处理器多平台跨平台兼容互操作可移植可维护可扩展可伸缩灵活自适应鲁棒容错安全失败恢复冗余负载均衡分布式并行处理多线程多过程多核多处理器多平台跨平台兼容互操作可移植可维护可扩展可伸缩灵活自适应鲁棒容错安全失败恢复冗余负载均衡分布式平行处理多线程多过程多核多处理器多平台跨平台兼容互操作可移植可维护可扩展可伸缩灵活自适应鲁棒容错安全失败恢复冗余负载均衡分布式平行处理多线程多过程多核多处理器多平台跨平台兼容互操作可移植可维护可扩展可伸缩灵活自适应鲁棒容错安全失败恢复冗余负载均衡分布式平行处理多线程多过程多核多处理器多平台跨平台兼容互操作可移植可维护可扩展可伸缩灵活自适应鲁棒容错安全失败恢复冗余负载均衡分布式平行处理多线程多过程多核多处理器多平台跨平台兼容互操作可移植可维护可扩展可伸缩灵活自适应鲁棒容错安全失败恢复冗余负载均衡分布式平行处理多线程多过程多核多处理器多平台跨平台兼容互操作可移植可维护可扩展可伸缩灵活自适应鲁棒容错安全失败恢复冗余负载均衡分布式平行处理多线程多过程多核多处理器多平台跨平台兼容互操作可移植可维护可扩展可伸缩灵活自适应鲁棒容错安全失败恢复冗余负载均衡分布式平行处理多线程多过程多核多处理器多平台跨平台兼容互操作可移植可维护可扩展可伸缩灵活自适应鲁棒容错安全失败恢复冗余负载均衡分布式平行处理多线程多过程多核多处理器多平台跨平台兼容互操作可移植可维护可扩展可伸缩灵活自适应鲁棒容错安全失败恢复冗余负载均衡分布式平行处理多线程多过程多核多处理器多平台跨平台兼容互操作可移植可维护可扩展可伸缩灵活自适应鲁棒容错安全失败恢复冗余负载均衡分布式平行处理多线程多过程多核多处理器多平台跨平台兼容互操作可移植可维护可扩展可伸缩灵活自适应鲁棒容错安全失败恢复冗余负载均衡分布式平行处理多线程多过程多核多处理器多平台跨平台兼容互操作可移植可维护可扩展可伸缩灵活自适应鲁棒容错安全失败恢复冗余负载均衡分布式平行处理多线程多过程多核多处理器多平台跨平台兼容互操作可移植可维护可扩展可伸缩灵活自适应鲁棒容错安全失败恢复冗余负载均衡分布式平行处理多线程多过程多核多处理器多平台跨平台兼容互操作可移植可维护可扩展可伸缩灵活自适应鲁棒容错安全失败恢复冗余负载均衡分布式平行处理多线程多过程多核多处理器多平台跨平台兼容互操作可移植可维护可扩展可伸缩灵活自适应鲁棒容错安全失败恢复冗余负载均衡分布式平行处理多线程多过程多核多处理器多平台跨平台兼容互操作可移植可维护可扩展可伸缩灵活自适应鲁棒容错安全失败恢复冗余负载均衡分布式平行处理多线程多过程多核多处理器多平台跨平台兼容互操作可移植可维护可扩展可伸缩灵活自适应鲁棒容错安全失败恢复冗余负载均衡分布式平行处理多线程多过程多核多处理器多平台跨平台兼容互操作可移植可维护可扩展可伸缩灵活自适应鲁棒容错安全失败恢复冗余负载均衡分布式平行处理多线程多过程多核多处理器多平台跨平台兼容互操作可移植可维护可扩展可伸缩灵活自适应鲁棒容错安全失败恢复冗余负载均衡分布式平行处理多线程多过程多核多处理器多平台跨平台兼容互操作可移植可维护可扩展可伸缩灵活自适应鲁棒容错安全失败恢复冗余负载均衡分布式平行处理多线程多过程多核多处理器多平台跨平台兼容互操作可移植可维护可扩展可伸缩灵活自适应鲁棒容错安全失败恢复冗余负载均衡分布式平行处理多线程多过程多核多处理器多平台跨平台兼容互操作可移植可维护可扩展可伸缩灵活自适应鲁棒容错安全失败恢复冗余负载均衡分布式平行处理多线程多过程多核多处理器多平台跨平台兼容互操作可移植可维护可扩展可伸缩灵活自适应鲁棒容错安全失败恢复冗余负载均衡分布式平行处理多线程多过程多核多处理器多平台跨平台兼容互操作可移植可维护可扩展可伸缩灵活自适应鲁棒容错安全失败恢复冗余负载均衡分布式平行处理多线程多过程多核多处理器多平台跨平台兼容互操作可移植可维护可扩展可伸缩灵活自适应鲁棒容错安全失败恢复冗余负载均衡分布式平行处理多线程多过程多核多处理器多平台跨平台兼容互操作可移植可维护可扩展可伸缩灵活自适应鲁棒容错安全失败恢复冗余负载均衡分布式平行处理多线程多过程多核多处理器多平台跨平台兼容互操作可移植可维护可扩展可伸缩灵活自适应鲁棒容错安全失败恢复冗余负载均衡分布式平行处理多线程多过程多核多处理器多平台跨平台兼容互操作可移植可维护可扩展可伸缩灵活自适应鲁棒容错安全失败恢复冗余负载均衡分布式平行处理多线程多过程多核多处理器多平台跨平台兼容互操作可移植可维护可扩展可伸缩灵活自适应鲁棒容错安全失败恢复冗余负载均衡分布式平行处理多线程多过程多核多处理器多平台跨平台兼容互操作可移植可维护可扩展可伸缩灵活自适应鲁棒容错安全失败恢复冗余负载均衡分布式平行处理多线程多过程多核多处理器多平台跨平台兼容互操作可移植性高易于维护扩展性强适应性强灵活性强可靠性高稳定性好兼容性好互操作性好便携性好可维护性好扩展性好伸缩性好灵活度高自适应性强鲁棒性强容错性强安全性高优雅地恢复错误冗余负载均衡分布平行处理多线程多过程多核多处理器多平台跨平台兼容互操作可移植性高易于维护扩展性强适应性强灵活性强可靠性高稳定性好兼容性好互操作性好便携性好可维护性好扩展性好伸缩性好灵活度高自适应性强鲁棒性强容错性强安全性高优雅地恢复错误冗余负载均衡分布平行处理多线程多过程多核多处理器多平台跨平台兼容互操作可移植性高易于维护扩展性强适应性强灵活性高