- 行业动态
- 2024-04-23
- 3
, sessions
, stack
, heap
typedef struct { int max_threads; // 最大线程数 int current_threads; // 当前线程数 pthread_t *threads; // 线程数组 queue_t *queue; // 任务队列 } thread_pool_t;
void init_thread_pool(thread_pool_t *pool, int max_threads, int queue_size) { pool>max_threads = max_threads; pool>current_threads = 0; pool>threads = (pthread_t *)malloc(max_threads * sizeof(pthread_t)); pool>queue = create_queue(queue_size); }
void add_task_to_pool(thread_pool_t *pool, task_t *task) { if (pool>current_threads < pool>max_threads) { pool>current_threads++; enqueue(pool>queue, task); } else { printf("线程池已满,无法添加任务 "); } }
void *execute_tasks(void *arg) { thread_pool_t *pool = (thread_pool_t *)arg; while (1) { task_t *task = dequeue(pool>queue); if (task == NULL) { usleep(1000); // 如果没有任务,等待一段时间再检查 continue; } task>func(task>args); // 执行任务 free(task); // 释放任务内存 } return NULL; }
void start_threads(thread_pool_t *pool) { for (int i = 0; i < pool>max_threads; i++) { pthread_create(&pool>threads[i], NULL, execute_tasks, pool); } }
void destroy_thread_pool(thread_pool_t *pool) { stop_threads(pool); // 停止线程池中的线程 free(pool>threads); // 释放线程数组内存 destroy_queue(pool>queue); // 销毁任务队列 }
CREATE TABLE tasks ( id NUMBER PRIMARY KEY, description VARCHAR2(255), result CLOB, status VARCHAR2(20) DEFAULT 'PENDING' NOT NULL, created_at TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, updated_at TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, finished_at TIMESTAMP, CONSTRAINT tasks_status_check CHECK (status IN ('PENDING', 'RUNNING', 'FINISHED')), CONSTRAINT tasks_created_at_check CHECK (created_at IS NOT NULL), CONSTRAINT tasks_updated_at_check CHECK (updated_at IS NOT NULL) );
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE add_task (p_description IN tasks.description%TYPE, p_result CLOB) AS pragma autonomous_transaction; 自动事务提交,避免长时间运行的事务阻塞其他操作 BEGIN 插入任务记录 insert into tasks (id, description, result, status, created_at, updated_at) values (tasks_seq.nextval, p_description, p_result, 'PENDING', sysdate, sysdate); 更新任务状态 update tasks set status = 'RUNNING', finished_at = sysdate where id = tasks_seq.currval and status = 'PENDING'; 根据需要执行其他操作,例如调用外部程序或查询数据库 end; / 提交事务 commit; 如果需要回滚事务,可以使用以下语句 rollback; 如果需要查看任务执行情况,可以执行以下查询 select * from tasks where id = tasks_seq.currval; 如果需要删除任务,可以执行以下语句 delete from tasks where id = tasks_seq.currval; 如果需要修改任务状态,可以执行以下语句 update tasks set status = 'FINISHED' where id = tasks_seq.currval and status = 'RUNNING'; 如果需要查看所有任务,可以执行以下查询 select * from tasks order by created_at; 如果需要查看已完成的任务,可以执行以下查询 select * from tasks where status = 'FINISHED' order by finished_at; 如果需要查看正在运行的任务,可以执行以下查询 select * from tasks where status = 'RUNNING' order by updated_at; 如果需要查看待处理的任务,可以执行以下查询 select * from tasks where status = 'PENDING' order by created_at; 如果需要查看错误任务,可以执行以下查询 select * from tasks where status != 'FINISHED' order by created_at; 如果需要查看最近完成的任务,可以执行以下查询 select * from tasks where status = 'FINISHED' order by finished_at DESC limit 10; 如果需要查看最近开始的任务,可以执行以下查询 select * from tasks where status = 'RUNNING' order by updated_at DESC limit 10; 如果需要查看最近创建的任务,可以执行以下查询 select * from tasks order by created_at DESC limit 10; 如果需要查看最近更新的任务,可以执行以下查询 select * from tasks order by updated_at DESC limit 10; 如果需要查看所有任务的数量,可以执行以下查询 select count(*) from tasks; 如果需要查看已完成的任务数量,可以执行以下查询 select count(*) from tasks where status = 'FINISHED'; 如果需要查看正在运行的任务数量,可以执行以下查询 select count(*) from tasks where status = 'RUNNING'; 如果需要查看待处理的任务数量,可以执行以下查询 select count(*) from tasks where status = 'PENDING'; 如果需要查看错误任务的数量,可以执行以下查询 select count(*) from tasks where status != 'FINISHED'; end; / 授权其他用户使用存储过程 grant execute on add_task to public; 如果需要限制其他用户的权限,可以使用以下语句 revoke execute on add_task from public; 如果需要撤销其他用户的权限,可以使用以下语句 grant execute on add_task to public with grant option; 如果需要限制其他用户的权限并允许他们授予权限给其他用户,可以使用以下语句 revoke execute on add_task from public with grant option; 如果需要撤销其他用户的权限并禁止他们授予权限给其他用户,可以使用以下语句