LZMA(LempelZivMarkov chain Algorithm)是一种无损数据压缩算法,它是由Igor Pavlovic和Abraham Lempel在1977年发明的,LZMA源码涉及到很多细节,这里给出一个简化版的Python实现,仅供参考:
import sys import struct def compress(data): # 初始化字典 dictionary = {bytes([i]): i for i in range(256)} next_code = 256 output = [] # 当前处理的数据块 current_block = b'' for byte in data: # 尝试将当前字节与已有字典中的条目组合 pair = current_block + bytes([byte]) if pair in dictionary: current_block = pair else: # 输出当前字典中的条目对应的编码 output.append(dictionary[current_block]) # 将新的字节添加到字典中 dictionary[pair] = next_code next_code += 1 current_block = bytes([byte]) # 输出最后一个数据块的编码 if current_block: output.append(dictionary[current_block]) return output def decompress(encoded_data): # 初始化字典 dictionary = {i: bytes([i]) for i in range(256)} next_code = 256 output = [] # 当前处理的数据块 current_block = b'' for code in encoded_data: if code in dictionary: entry = dictionary[code] elif code == next_code: entry = current_block + current_block[0:1] else: raise ValueError("Invalid compressed data") output.append(entry) # 添加新的字典条目 if not current_block: current_block = entry else: new_entry = current_block + entry[0:1] dictionary[next_code] = new_entry next_code += 1 current_block = entry return b''.join(output) if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) != 3: print("Usage: python lzma.py <compress|decompress> <input_file>") sys.exit(1) operation = sys.argv[1] input_file = sys.argv[2] with open(input_file, "rb") as f: data = f.read() if operation == "compress": compressed_data = compress(data) with open(input_file + ".lzma", "wb") as f: for code in compressed_data: f.write(struct.pack("<H", code)) elif operation == "decompress": compressed_data = [struct.unpack("<H", data[i:i+2])[0] for i in range(0, len(data), 2)] decompressed_data = decompress(compressed_data) with open(input_file[:5], "wb") as f: f.write(decompressed_data) else: print("Invalid operation. Use 'compress' or 'decompress'.")
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