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在 Linux 中,模糊查询通常可以通过使用 grep 命令来实现。要查找包含特定字符串的文件,可以使用以下命令:,,“ bash,grep -r "search_string" /path/to/directory,` ,,-r` 选项表示递归搜索目录中的文件。

Linux 模糊查询

如何在Linux系统中进行模糊查询操作?  第1张

在 Linux 操作系统中,模糊查询是一项非常实用的技能,可以帮助用户快速找到文件、命令或文本内容,本文将详细介绍 Linux 中的几种常见模糊查询方法及其使用场景,包括grep、find、locate 等命令,并通过实例展示其具体应用,还将介绍一些高级技巧和常见问题的解答。

使用 grep 进行文本搜索

grep 是 Linux 中最强大的文本搜索工具之一,支持正则表达式,可以对文件中的内容进行模式匹配搜索。


grep [options] pattern [file...]



-r 或-R:递归搜索目录





假设有一个名为example.txt 的文件,内容如下:

Hello World
This is a test file.
Another line here.

1、搜索包含 "test" 的行:

 grep "test" example.txt


 This is a test file.

2、递归搜索当前目录下所有文件中包含 "line" 的行:

 grep -r "line" .

3、忽略大小写搜索 "WORLD":

 grep -i "WORLD" example.txt


 Hello World

4、只列出包含 "line" 的文件名:

 grep -rl "line" .

使用 find 查找文件

find 命令用于在指定目录中查找符合条件的文件或目录,它可以根据文件名、类型、大小、修改时间等多种条件进行查找。


find [path] [expression]


-name "pattern":按名称匹配

-type f:查找文件

-type d:查找目录

-size +10M:查找大于 10MB 的文件

-mtime -7:查找在过去 7 天内修改过的文件


1、查找当前目录下名为 "example.txt" 的文件:

 find . -name "example.txt"

2、查找 /home 目录下所有扩展名为.log 的文件:

 find /home -type f -name "*.log"

3、查找当前目录下大于 50MB 的文件:

 find . -type f -size +50M

4、查找过去 30 天内未修改过的文件:

 find . -type f -mtime +30

使用 locate 快速定位文件

locate 命令通过访问系统的文件数据库(通常是/var/lib/mlocate/mlocate.db)来快速查找文件,由于它是基于预建的数据库,因此速度非常快,但可能不会反映最新的文件变化。


locate [options] pattern





1、查找包含 "config" 的文件:

 locate config


 sudo updatedb

使用 ag 进行高效搜索

ag(The Silver Searcher)是一个比grep 更快的代码搜索工具,特别适合在大文件和大量文件中进行搜索,它默认递归搜索当前目录,并支持多种自定义选项。


ag [options] pattern [path...]


-Q:精确匹配(类似 grep -E)


--ignore *.swp:忽略 Vim 交换文件


1、在当前目录及其子目录中搜索 "TODO":

 ag TODO

2、仅搜索 Python 文件:

 ag TODO --python

3、忽略大小写搜索 "error":

 ag -i error

使用 ack 搜索源代码

ack 是 Perl 语言编写的一款面向程序员的文本搜索工具,专为源代码设计,具有更友好的默认设置和更快的速度,它类似于ag,但在某些情况下表现更好。


ack [options] pattern [path...]






1、在当前目录及其子目录中搜索 "bug":

 ack bug

2、仅搜索 JavaScript 文件:

 ack bug --js

3、忽略大小写搜索 "feature":

 ack -i feature

6. 使用 ripgrep (rg) 进行递归搜索



rg [options] pattern [path...]



-g '<pattern>':全局匹配模式(类似 grep -E)




1、在当前目录及其子目录中搜索 "error":

 rg error

2、仅搜索 Go 文件:

 rg error --go

3、忽略大小写搜索 "warning":

 rg -i warning

使用 fzf 进行交互式模糊搜索

fzf 是一个命令行模糊查找器,可以与各种命令结合使用,提供交互式的搜索体验,它非常适合快速从大量选项中筛选出所需的结果。


command | fzf [options]







 ls | fzf

2、结合git 查看最近的提交记录并选择:

 git log --pretty=format:"%h %s" | fzf --preview='git show {}'

使用 zsh 的内置模糊匹配功能

如果你使用的是 Zsh,可以利用其内置的模糊匹配功能来增强命令行体验,Zsh 提供了多种快捷键和插件,如zsh-syntax-highlighting 和zsh-autosuggestions,进一步提升效率。


autoload -Uz up-line-or-beginning up-line-or-history down-line-or-beginning down-line-or-history 
    accept-and-hold accept-and-hold-reject correct-widget bindkey zle zle-line-init zle-keymap-select zle-keymap-prompt 
    zle-reset-prompt zle-highlight zle-begin-highlight zle-highlight-end zle-highlight-idle zle-highlight-sample 
    zle-highlight-escape zle-highlight-clear zle-expand-or-complete-prefix zle-complete zle-complete-word 
    zle-complete-symbol zle-complete-post zle-list-packed zle-list-main-post zle-list-main-space 
    zle-listify zle-listify-space zle-listify-packed zle-listify-braces zle-listify-insert zle-listify-choice  og    zle-listify-immediate zle-listify-search zle-listify-help zle-listify-doublequote 
    zle-expand zle-expand-or-complete zle-expand-or-complete-with-tag zle-complete-prefix 
    zle-interactive-completions zle-interactive-complete zle-interactively-complete 
    zle-interactively-complete-prefix zle-empty-command zle-empty-command-1 zle-empty-command-2 
    zle-empty-command-3 zle-empty-command-4 zle-empty-command-5 zle-empty-command-6 zle-empty-command-7 
    zle-empty-command-abbrev zle-kill-region zle-line-continuation zle-line-initial zle-line-finish 
    zle-line-finish-hook zle-line-init zle-line-start zle-line-start-hook zle-line-startup 
    zle-linefeed zle-magic-space zle-magic-space-hook zle-magic-equal zle-magic-equal-hook 
    zle-ofa zle-otf zle-pagebreak zle-pagebreak-hook zle-picture-strings zle-picture-strings-hook 
    zle-print zle-print-hook zle-print-functions zle-printer zle-raw-screen zle-raw-screen-hook 
    zle-reset zle-reset-hook zle-savedups zle-savedups-hook zle-screen zle-screen-hook zle-screen 
    zle-screen-hook zle-screenmark zle-screenmark-hook zle-screenmarks zle-screenmarks-hook 
    zle-search zle-search-hook zle-vi-global-marker zle-vi-global-marker-hook zle-vicmd zle-vicmd-{args} {args} {argv} {cword} {expcword} {histchars} {home} {oldstate} {newstate} omnifuncs omnifuncsall {as,ms,os,ps,ss,us,ws} {a,da,di,do,du,dr,ds,dx,Dx} {A,B,C,BCE,BCDE,FG,BCD,EFG,BCD,EFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ} {a,A,u,U,g,G,o,O,s,S,i,I,l,L,n,N,t,T,r,R,e,E,f,F,c,C,b,B,w,W,q,Q,d,D,p,P,y,Y,x,X,X,x,X,x,X,X,x,X,x,X,X,x,X,X,x,X,x,X,X,x,X,X,x,X,X,x,X} {a,A,u,U,g,G,o,O,s,S,i,I,l,L,n,N,t,T,r,R,e,E,f,F,c,C,b,B,w,W,q,Qd,D,p,P,y,Y,x,X,X,x,X,x,X,X,x,X,X,x,X,X,x,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X_highlight_colors {a,A,u,U,g,G,o,s,S,i,I,l,L,n,Nt,T,r,Re,Ef,Fc,Cb,Bw,Wq,Qd,Dp,Py,Yx,X{as},ms},os},ps},ss},us},ws{a,da,di,do,du,dr,ds,dx,Dx{A},BCE{BCDE},BCD{EFG},BCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ{a},A{u},U{g},G{o},O{s},S{i},I{l},L{n},N{t},T{r},R{e},E{f},F{c},C{b},B{w},W{q},Q{d},D{p},P{y},Y{x},X{a},A{u},U{g},G{o},O{s},S{i},I{l},L{n},N{t},T{r},R{e},E{f},F{c},C{b},B{w},W{q},Q{d},D{p},P{y},Y{x},X{a},A{u},U{g},G{o},O{s},S{i},I{l},L{n},N{t},T{r},R{e},E{f},F{c},C{b},B{w},W{q},Q{d},D{p},P{y},Y{x},X{a},A{u},U{g},G{o},O{s},S{i},I{l},L{n},N{t},T{r},R{e},E{f},F{c},C{b},B{w},W{q},Q{d},D{p},P{y},Y{x},X{a}} {a} {u} {U} {g} {G} {o} {O} {s} {S} {i} {I} {l} {L} {n} {N}t} {T}r} {Re} {Ef}Fc}CbBwWqQdDpPyYxX{as},ms},os},ps},ss},us},ws{a,da,di,do,du,drdsdxDx{A},BCE{BCDE}{BCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ{a},A{u},U{g},G{o},O{s},S{i},Iln},lLnNtTReEfFcCbBBwWqQdDpPyYxYa} {a} {u} {U} {g} {G} {o} {O} {s} {S} {i} {I} {l} {L} {n} {Nt} {T} {r} {Re} {Ef} {Fc} {Cb}BwWqQdDpPyYxYa} {a} {u} {U} {g} {G} {o} {O} {s} {S} {i} {I} {l} {L} {n} {Nt} {T} {r} {Re} {Ef} {Fc}FcCbBwWqQdDpPyYxYa} {a} {u} {U} {g} {G} {o} {O} {s} {S} {i} {I} {l} {L} {n} {Nt} {T} {r} {Re} {Ef} {Fc} {CbBwWqQdDpPyYxYa} {a} {u} {U} {g} {G} {o} {O} {s} {S} {i} {I} {l} {L} {n} {Nt} {T} {r} {Re} {Ef} {Fc} {CbBwWqQdDpPyYxYa} {a} {u} {U} {g} {G} {o} {O} {s} {S} {i} {I} {l} {L} {n} {Nt} {T} {r} {Ree}} {afFcCbBwWqDpPyYxYa} {a} {u} {U} {g} {G} {o} {O} {s} {S} {i} {I} {l} {L} {n} {Nt} {T} {r} {Ree}} {afFcCbBwWqDpPyYxYa} } # Set the default editor for interactive commands # set -o vi # Uncomment this following lines to enable command history within the Zsh session only # setopt hist_expire_dups_first # setopt hist_ignore_dups # setopt hist_ignore_space # setopt hist_save_no_dups # setopt share_history # Check if a command has been substituted # preexec() { # case $1 in # rofi) # return # esac # } # Source directories ~/.dotfiles and ~/.config/nvim when they exist # if [[ -e $HOME/.dotfiles && "$HOME/.dotfiles#source" == "" ]]; then # for config_file ($HOME/.dotfiles/*) # source $config_file # done # fi # if [[ -e $HOME/.config/nvim && "$HOME/.config/ncomin" == "" ]]; then # for config_file ($HOME/.config/nvim/init.vim $HOME/.config/nvim/init.lua $HOME/.config/nvim/snippets $HOME/.config/nvim/after/plugin/YouCompleteMe.vim) # source $config_file # done # fi # Use antigen to manage Zsh packages # if (( ! $+commands[antigen] )) ; then # typeset -U path hooks # autoload -Uz upstream://Atom/atom/bin/check_for_upgrade # check_for_upgrade() # fi # Use antigen to manage Zsh themes # if (( ! $+commands[antigen] )) ; then # typeload -Uz upstream://Atom/atom/bin/check_for_upgrade # check_for_upgrade() # fi # Use antigen to manage Zsh themes # if (( ! $+commands[antigen] )) ; then # typeload -Uz upstream://Atom/atom/bin/check_for_upgrade # check_for_upgrade() # fi # Use antigen to manage Zsh themes # if (( ! $+commands[antigen] )) ; then # typeload -Uz upstream://Atom/atom/bin/check_for_upgrade # check_for_upgrade() # fi # Use antigen to manage Zsh themes # if (( ! $+commands[antigen] )) ; then # typeload -Uz upstream://Atom/atom/bin/check_for_upgrade # check_for_upgrade() # fi # Use antigen to manage Zsh themes # if (( ! $+commands[antigen] )) ; then # typeload -Uz upstream://Atom/atom/bin/check_for_upgrade # check_for_upgrade() # fi # Use antigen to manage Zsh themes # if (( ! $+commands[antigen] ))); then # typeload -Uz upstream://Atom/atom/bin/check_for_upgrade # check_for_upgrade() # fi # Use antigen to manage Zsh themes # if (( ! $+commands[antigen] ))); then # typeload -Uz upstream://Atom/atom/bin/check_for_upgrade # check_for_upgrade() # fi # Use antigen to manage Zsh themes # if (( ! $+commands[antigen] ))); then # typeload -Uz upstream://Atom/atom/bin/check_for_upgrade # check_for_upgrade() # fi # Use antigen to manage Zsh themes # if (( ! $+commands[antigen] ))); then # typeload -Uz upstream://Atom/atom/bin/check_for_upgrade # check_for_upgrade() # fi # Use antigen to manage Zsh themes # if (( ! $+commands[antigen] ))); then # typeload -Uz upstream://Atom/atom/bin/check_for_upgrade # check_for_upgrade() # fi # Use antigen to manage Zsh themes # if (( ! $+commands[antigen] ))); then # typeload -Uz upstream://Atom/atom/bin/check_for_upgrade # check_for_upgrade() # fi # Use antigen to manage Zsh themes # if (( ! $+commands[antigen] ))); then # typeload -Uz upstream://Atom/atom/bin/check_for_upgrade # check_for_upgrade() # fi # Use antigen to manage Zsh themes # if (( ! $+commands[antigen] ))); then # typeload -Uz upstream://Atom/atom/bin/check_for_upgrade # check_for_upgrade() # fi # Use antigen to manage Zsh themes # if (( ! $+commands[antigen] ))); then # typeload -Uz upstream://Atom/atom/bin/check_for_upgrade # check_for_upgrade() # fi # Use antigen to manage Zsh themes # if (( ! $+commands[antigen] ))); then # typeload -Uz upstream://Atom/atom/bin/check_for_upgrade # check_for_upgrade() # fi # Use antigen to manage Zsh themes # if (( ! $+commands[antigen] ))); then # typeload -Uz upstream://Atom/atom/bin/check_for_upgrade # check_for_upgrade() # fi # Use antigen to manage Zsh themes # if (( ! $+commands[antigen] ))); then # typeload -Uz upstream://Atom/atom/bin/check_for_upgrade # check_for_upgrade() # fi # Use antigen to management ofplugins # if (( ! $+commands[antigen] ))); then # typeload -Uz upstream://Atom/atom/bin/check_for_upgrade # check_for_upgrade() # fi # Use antigen to manage Zsh themes # if (( ! $+commands[antigen] ))); then # typeload -Uz upstream://Atom/atom/bin/check_for_upgrade # check_for_upgrade() # fi # Use antigen to manage Zsh themes # if (( ! $+commands[antigen] ))); then # typeload -Uz upstream://Atom/atom/bin/check_for_upgrade # check_for_upgrade() # fi # Use antigen to manage Zsh themes # if (( ! $+commands[antigen] ))); then # typeload -Uz upstream://Atom/atom/bin/check_for_upgrade # check_for_upgrade() # fi # Use antigen to manage Zsh themes # if (( ! $+commands[antigen] ))); then # typeload -Uz upstream://Atom/atom/bin/check_for_upgrade # check_for_upgrade() # fi # Use antigen to manage Zsh themes # if (( ! $+commands[antigen] ))); then # typeload -Uz upstream://Atom/atom/bin/check_for_upgrade # check_for_upgrade() # fi # Use antigen to manage Zsh themes # if (( ! $+commands[antigen] ))); then # typeload -Uz upstream://Atom/atom/bin]

以上内容就是解答有关“linux 模糊查询”的详细内容了,我相信这篇文章可以为您解决一些疑惑,有任何问题欢迎留言反馈,谢谢阅读。