2、编写C语言程序:使用任何文本编辑器(如Notepad++、Sublime Text或Visual Studio Code)编写您的C语言程序,创建一个简单的“Hello, World!”程序:
#include <stdio.h> int main() { printf("Hello, World! "); return 0; }
gcc o hello_world.exe hello_world.c
gcc o hello_world hello_world.c
这将显示“Hello, World!”消息,表明您的C语言程序已成功编译并运行为可执行文件。
5、打包程序:如果您希望将可执行文件与其他资源(如图标、数据文件等)一起打包,可以使用第三方工具,如Inno Setup或NSIS,这些工具可以帮助您创建安装程序,以便用户可以轻松地安装和运行您的应用程序,以下是使用Inno Setup打包C语言程序的简要步骤:
下载并安装Inno Setup:访问Inno Setup官网并下载适用于您的操作系统的安装包,安装完成后,启动Inno Setup。
创建新的脚本文件:在Inno Setup中,创建一个新的脚本文件(扩展名为.iss
[Setup] AppName=My C Program AppVersion=1.0 DefaultDirName={pf}My C Program OutputBaseFilename=setup_mycprogram_win32 Compression=lzma2 SolidCompression=yes OutputDir=userdocs:Inno Setup Examples Output PrivilegesRequired=none ; UAC can be ignored if the application is not signed. However, if you require that the user be "administrator" or "power user", then you need to request these privileges. See the PrivilegesRequired directive below. ArchitecturesAllowed=x86 x64 ia64 ; If you wish to limit your application to only one CPU architecture, uncomment this line and remove the other ones. See the ArchitecturesAllowed directive below.; This directive can be useful when creating a 32bit and 64bit version of your application. If you do not need such versioning, then remove all the architectures except for "x86" (32bit Windows) or "x64" (64bit Windows).; For more information on ArchitecturesAllowed, see the ArchitecturesAllowed directive in the [Setup] section below.; We recommend that you always specify this directive because it eliminates any potential problems with your setup package trying to install on an incorrect processor architecture. {app} [Files] Source: "C:pathtoyourcompiledexecutablehello_world.exe"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs createallsubdirs; OnlyHere: true; Permissions: everyonereadelfexecute; ExpandOnInstall: false; BeforeInstall: SetOutPath($DESKTOP); AfterInstall: SetOutPath($APPDATA); Check: IsAdminLoggedOn; MinVersion: "5.1.3"; Languages: English; Name: "{cm:Unicode|English}"; Comment: "The compiled C program." Source: "C:pathtoyouriconfileicon.ico"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs createallsubdirs; OnlyHere: false; Permissions: everyonereadelfexecute; ExpandOnInstall: false; BeforeInstall: SetOutPath($DESKTOP); AfterInstall: SetOutPath($APPDATA); Check: IsAdminLoggedOn; MinVersion: "5.1.3"; Languages: English; Name: "{cm:Unicode|English}"; Comment: "The icon for the C program."
构建安装程序:保存脚本文件后,使用Inno Setup构建安装程序,运行Inno Setup,选择“创建新的安装脚本文件”选项,然后选择刚刚创建的脚本文件,按照向导的指示完成安装程序的构建过程,将生成的安装程序分发给其他人。